Meet Friends, Have Fun, Participate!
Join Us This Spring For One-On-One Support
Facilitating the inclusion of Children & Youth with disabilities in the Recreation & Culture Divisions’ Programming
- JIS support is FREE! (not including registration fees)
- A site or virtual visit will be conducted prior to the start of support
- To initially apply for JIS, complete a Participant Intake Form
- The Spring AND Summer Request Lists for support are opening on Feb 25/24. Please contact us prior to registering for a program.
Supported Programs Include:
- Swimming Lessons
- Children’s Programing at the Canada Games Complex
- Neighbourhood Recreation Program
- Youth Move (10-18)
- Adventurers Camp
- Kidventures
- Chippewa Summer Camps
- Playgrounds
For information on our 4U series please contact us or sign-up for our program waitlist! 4U programs offer small group support with 2-3 JIS staff instruction, adapting, and supporting. PSW’s, parents/guardians and siblings are welcome to support 1:1 at the program as well.