Je Parle Français

High Standards | Quality Educators
Exceptional Students

Lakehead Public Schools values the study of both official languages. The French Immersion program enables students to effectively develop skills in English and French in all subject areas. Students begin their French Immersion experience in Kindergarten Year Two (SK). French Immersion Students, through study in a balanced curricular program, learn to think and speak in a way that will allow them to succeed in the future.

École Gron Morgan Public School
174 Marlborough Rd.
(807) 345-1468

Hammarskjold High School
80 Clarkson St. S
(807) 767-1631

École Elsie MacGill Public School
130 Churchill Dr. W
(807) 577-6448

Claude E. Garton Public School
414 Grenville Ave.
(807) 683-6289

Faire des amitiés durables.

For more information:
(807) 625-5100