The Canada Games Complex is the hub for squash in Thunder Bay! For up to date squash events, tournaments, pop up activities and try-it nights follow @thunderbaysquash on Facebook & Instagram!
Junior Squash
Every Saturday morning we offer a beginner squash and an intermediate squash program for kids. The Fall session will begin September 14.
Time: 9:40-10:30
Fee: $51
Time: 10:30-11:20
Fee: $51
Court Jesters Squash League
Court Jesters is a league for all levels of players that runs every year from October to March. Players schedule their own games and try and move up in the boxes throughout the season. Fees: Members – $83, Non-Members – $123
Tuesday Night Squash League
Court Time Squash League is a once a week league night every Tuesday at the Canada Games Complex. Fees: Members- $54, Non-Members- $79