Does my student need to be Catholic in order to attend a Catholic school?
No. Our schools welcome students and families of all faiths. Our curriculum incorporates religion courses pertaining to our Catholic faith, along with other faith traditions and world religions. Values and virtues are interwoven throughout the curriculum.
How do I register?
You can register online, or by calling our Board Office (625-1555).
What age does my child have to be, in order to attend school?
If your child turns 4 by December 31, 2024, they are eligible to start Kindergarten this September.
How do I enrol my student in your French Immersion programming?
Our K-6 French Immersion Schools are St. Bernard (North) and St. Martin (South). Registration forms are available online, or you can contact the school Administrative Assistant for assistance. The new French Immersion program begins in Year 1 Kindergarten.
Do I need to be able to speak French if my student is in French Immersion?
No. Parents are encouraged to enrol their student in French Immersion regardless of what language is spoken at home. French Immersion is an excellent way to expose your child to a second language and improve their academic performance.
Do I need to re-register my student for Senior Elementary or High School if they are currently in the system?
No. If your student is already in the system, they will automatically be enrolled in their new school. Senior Elementary Students entering High School will have to complete a registration confirmation and course planning form.