Welcome to Grade 9
Moving up to Grade 9 is one of the biggest steps you’ll take on your academic journey. It’s an exciting time full of new beginnings, new experiences, and new friendships. But for a lot of Grade 8 students it’s also a time of uncertainty and stress. We want you to feel at ease knowing that you will have the support and services you need to succeed, because at Lakehead Public Schools, we are committed to the success of every student.
Lakehead Public Schools is proud to present an informational video series aimed at providing Grade 8 students the information they need as they enter Grade 9. We want our students to be prepared to meet the changes and challenges of beginning high school. Join us as we explore the many facets of high school at Lakehead Public Schools!
Video Topics Include:
- Co-curricular Activities
- International Baccalaureate Programme
- Advanced Placement Program
- Student Supports
- The Arts
- Special Education
- Technology at Lakehead Public Schools
- Selecting Courses
- Co-op and Specialist High Skills Majors
- … and many more!
Watch here: